Leipzig – Ev.-Luth. Diakonissenhaus Leipzig e.V.

The Deaconess House was founded on an initiative of Superintendent Oscar with the goal of staffing the community care stations of the city with deaconesses from the own Mother House. In 1900, the newly built Mother House was ready for its occupants and the hospital at the social focal point in the western part of Leipzig could be opened as a place for practical training. The policlinical work and the theoretical nursing training began at the same time.

Some hospitals in western Saxony and numerous community care stations in and around Leipzig, in the Vogtland region and in the region of the two valleys of the Mulde River were staffed with deaconesses from Leipzig. Declining numbers of sisters and the development of social stations led to a concentration of the personnel at the hospital.

It was transferred into the legal entity of a non-profit GmbH in 1995. Other fields of work were established on the premises with two facilities for assisted living for old people, a care retirement home and two medical practices. The hospital has 250 beds, 10 of them on an interdisciplinary station for intensive therapy and 41 beds for inpatient physicians The vocational school for health and nursing care offers space for 60 students.

Leipzig – Ev.-Luth. Diakonissenhaus Leipzig e.V.

Georg-Schwarz-Str. 49
04177 Leipzig

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