Guben – Naemi-Wilke-Stift

The Naemi-Wilke-Stift was founded in 1878 as a private foundation of the Guben hat manufacturer Friedrich Wilke (1829-1908). In 1888, it was placed under the supervision of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Prussia (Altlutheraner). Its legal successor today is the Selbständige Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche (SELK - Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church).

The institution, which is managed as a foundation of the church today, used to be the Deaconess Mother House of the Ev. Luth. (Old Lutheran) Church. From the beginning, the work of the foundation included a hospital and a kindergarten.

In 1992, the former district hospital of Guben was transferred into the sponsorship of the foundation. Other fields of work were added in the years that followed: a social station, an educational and family consulting center, a school for health and nursing care, logopedics, ergotherapy, expansion of the physiotherapy section and others.

The focus today is on the hospital with 151 beds for the northern part of the Spree-Neisse district with the specialist disciplines of surgery, internal medicine and orthopedics.


Educational opportunities within the scope of "Bildungswege im Diakonat" (courses of education)

  Theological-diaconal education
Rotation/Duration/Hours 6 evening events, 2 hours each and one weekend (Friday - Sunday)
External participation Only employees and volunteers

Course "The Naemi-Wilke-Stift as a value-oriented enterprise of the church.
Basics about ecclesiastical standard terms and their meaning for social work" including six topical evenings about (among others):

  • "What is man that you are mindful of him" (Psalm 8): The Christian image of mankind
  • Christmas or Who is God?: The Christian image of god
  • "Innovative from tradition": Historical facts about Diakonie
  • Weekend: "On our way together ": Diakonie in Community or how do we treat each other? Basic rules of communication

Course "Social professions as an existential challenge – biblical biographies as stories for today's life" with six topical evenings about (among others):

  • Beziehungsweise oder "Beziehungswaise''? – organizing life in relationships
  • Live to work – work to live? – finding the own rhythm of life
  • What do I want? – searching for am meaningful life
  • 'Dead certain' living? – Can you live with limits?
Form/Scope For one year or six months with evening events and a course weekend
Costs 50 Euro copayment
Certificate Certificate of participation
Contact Rector Pastor Stefan Süß, telephone +49 3561 403-160

Guben – Naemi-Wilke-Stift

Dr.-Ayrer-Str. 1-4
03172 Guben

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