Quakenbrück – Diaconal Foundation Bethanien

The history of today's Diaconal Foundation Bethanien (Bethany) in Quakenbrück began in 1910 in Eastern Prussia (Lötzen) with a nursing care school of the deaconesses named "Masurische Anstalt". In 1930, the school was expanded with training for kindergarten teaches and day-care workers. Because of the Second World War, the institution was relocated and re-established in Quakenbrück near Osnabrück.

1948:The sisters began their work at the hospital in Quakenbrück
1949: Commissioning of a residential home for old people and young adults as well as a Church hall
1950: Continuation of the nursing pre-school
1953: Kindergarten is opened
1955: Merger with Protestant hospital
1957: School for nursing care workers established
1958: Completion of the hospital, dormitory for nurses and students established
1959: Construction of a home for retired deaconesses
1963: Retirement home is closed
1966: Construction of Petruskirche (St. Peter's)
1972 Merger with Catholic hospital
1973-1980: Residential courses
1975: Day-care center opened
2001: Reconstruction of barracks into a nursing home (30 people)
2005: Expansion of nursing home (another 30 people), demolition of the old retirement home for sisters and construction of a new home
2010: Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Mother House Bethanien with a retrospective view on everything the sisters had experienced and accomplished
2013: Completion of the expansion of the existing nursing home (apartments for senior citizens, day care center for infants, spaces for short-term care and roof garden)
This way, the young and the old are united under the roof of the Diaconal Foundation Bethanien.

Quakenbrück – Diaconal Foundation Bethanien

Lötzener Straße 14
49610 Quakenbrück

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