Speyer – Deaconesses Speyer-Mannheim

The Protestant Deaconess Institution Speyer was founded in 1859. The Deaconess Mother House Mannheim was founded in 1884 for the training of deaconesses for community nursing care and kindergarten work. They worked in more than 200 nurse's stations, care homes and hospitals in the Pfalz and Nordbaden regions. In 2004, both entities were consolidated into one institution. All sisters have been living together at the Mother House in Speyer since 2007.

After nurse's stations had been abandoned in the decades following the Second World War, a social services enterprise emerged which operates two hospitals in Speyer and Mannheim (992 beds), six nursing homes for geriatric care (683 people and 398 assisted living apartments), one child and youth service (166 inpatient and partially inpatient spaces and other outpatient services, two kindergartens and a day-care center for schoolchildren), housing possibilities and a day-care center for people with disabilities (170 people), outpatient services of the support assistance organization and a workshop (120 people), a professional school for social services (teachers and social assistants), medical service professions (nursing care and nursing care for children, delivery nurses) and for geriatric care for 631 students and a hospice (7 people).

In holistic care, diligent support, comprehensive education and a diaconal orientation that is still tangible, the tradition of the sisters, assisted by the Diaconal Community lives on in a modern social health care enterprise.


Educational opportunities within the scope of "Bildungswege im Diakonat" (courses of education)

  Basic course Diakonie Deaconess training Theological-diaconal education
Rotation/Duration/Hours 12 modules Every 1-2 months; 2x weekend; 6 Saturdays, 8 hrs. each; 4 evenings, 3 hours each Monthly, 2.5 hours
Period of time Possible over several years Course duration 1.5 years Continuous
External participation possible possible possible; main participants: volunteers, members of the diaconal community, employees
Costs for external participation depending on event (mostly 15 Euro) none 15 Euro per session
Preconditions interest member of the Protestant Church; interest in membership in diaconal community interest
Certificate Overall certificate; corresponds to basic course in KWV Confirmation as deaconess of the new type / deacon of the Deaconesses Speyer Mannheim Certificate of participation
Other details Designation: Diaconal Seminar Course is conducted in cooperation with MÖD (miss. ecum. service); participants hold and reflect two prayer sessions during their training

Varying theological, spiritual and diaconal topics with reference to everyday life (e.g.: resilience, courses in faith, religious exercises, glass painting, inter-religious dialogue, study trip)

Ecumenical ways of religious exercise, courses in faith, impulse prayer sessions as start for the day, DIA-LOG afternoons "Community" and "Inter-religious dialog", DIA-KINO, study trip 2018 to Bethel

Work groups: Idea workshop for employees, AG Diaconal identity and identification

Contact Mother Superior Sr. Isabelle Wien, Pastor Sr. Corinna Kloss or Secretary Julia Vogelgesang (telephone +49 6232 22-1323)

Speyer – Deaconesses Speyer-Mannheim

Hilgardstraße 26
67346 Speyer

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